A devastating incident occurred at Isiu Grammar School in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State, resulting in the tragic death of a 10-year-old student identified as Rofiat. The incident took place on Friday, September 29, and was related to a vehicle belonging to a teacher named Dele.
According to reports gathered by PUNCH Metro, Rofiat had been on the school playground with her friends, preparing for the end of the school day. Unexpectedly, a car parked nearby, identified as a Nissan, owned by the teacher Dele, began rolling backward in her direction.
Unfortunately, Rofiat did not notice the approaching vehicle, and she was struck down by it.
A local resident recounted, “We were told that the incident happened around 1 pm. The car had been parked there since the morning when the teacher arrived. We don’t know how it managed to move from its position. Meanwhile, Rofiat was backing up toward the moving vehicle. When the vehicle hit her, the impact caused her to hit her forehead on the ground. Other students rushed to call the teachers, who arrived at the scene and found her motionless.”
The injured student was promptly rushed to Isiotu General Hospital for medical attention. However, medical staff at the hospital later realized the severity of her condition and referred her to Agbowa General Hospital. Tragically, Rofiat was pronounced dead at Agbowa General Hospital’s emergency section.
In response to the incident, police officers arrived at the school premises to document the scene and question the teachers who were present when the accident occurred. The owner of the car was also taken into custody after reporting the incident at the police station.
Benjamin Hundeyin, the State Police Public Relations Officer, confirmed the tragedy, stating, “Yes, it happened. The owner of the car was taken into custody. An investigation is ongoing.